Train More, Pain Free

Sports Injury Clinic

Sports injury clinic in Sheffield

What is a Sports Injury Clinic?

Our Made to Move sports injury clinic specialises in helping people like you recover from injuries through sport, exercise, physical activity and work. You do not need to be in sports to receive our services. Our main services include sport injury rehabilitation and sport injury treatment.

Sports injury clinics are one of the most common places for athletes to go for any sort of injury. We offer a variety of services and treatments that can help you get back to moving pain free as soon as possible.

Benefits of visiting a sports injury clinic

Sports injury clinics are a great place to get the right treatment for any sports-related injury. We have a team of qualified and experienced professionals who will diagnose and treat the injury.

The benefits of visiting a sports injury clinic are that they can provide you with expert advice on how to prevent future injuries, they can offer you rehabilitation programs, they can provide you with access to physiotherapy sessions, and more.

Visiting a sports injury clinic has many benefits:


  • Understanding therapist and coaches to hand
  • Welcoming and well equipped treatment rooms and training facilities
  • Resolving root causes of your injuries, aches and pains
  • Musculo-skeletal (MSK) specialists
  • Tailored rehabilitation and injury risk reduction programmes
  • Detailed Consultations and assessments
  • Sports massage
  • Improved strength, flexibility, stability and mobility
Sports injury treatment at our Sheffield clinic

Sports Injury Clinic Sheffield

Made to move can offer you a wide range of sports therapy services that are individualised to your needs and goals. Our staff strive to deliver a supportive environment in our sports therapy clinics based in Sheffield city centre.

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