The Problem
Sick leave on average is costing UK businesses an estimated £77billion a year in productivity, which is set to increase due to the stressors of working from home.
Working from home often leads to prolonged time spent working with a poor posture, that can manifest into aches and pains that can directly affects your mental state and often leads to being irritated, unmotivated, and easily distracted.
Workplace physical and mental health well-being plays an important role in the happiness and efficiency of you as an individual to fulfil your role successfully.
Whilst working from home can make it less accessible for other health professionals to provide expensive recommendations as a reactive measure, Made to Move is here to help provide a proactive approach to allowing you to tolerate the stressors of repetitive movements.
We offer a combination of online and face to face sessions that are aimed at:
• Releasing overworked muscles
• Strengthen weakened and irritated muscles
• Reducing the risk of future injuries arising
• Improve productivity and confidence